Travel insurance

Insurance - why do you need it?

Every traveller planning a trip dreams of a comfortable and trouble-free rest. But not everything goes to plan. Changes in climate, exotic foods, intense sunlight - all can cause health problems. The risk of injury is particularly high on active holidays. Children, pregnant women and the elderly are the most vulnerable groups of travellers. For example, a child can easily get sunburned, and in some countries it is impossible to buy basic medicines without a prescription, except perhaps cough sweets. The cost of medical care abroad can be high, so it is a good idea to have travel insurance to protect your health and life. In addition, in some countries health insurance is a requirement for entry. Considering the high potential cost of medical services, the cost of an insurance policy seems much lower. Insurance also covers baggage, important documents and flight cancellation.

About Auras Insurance
Auras Insurance – It is an international insurance company that is trusted all over the world. Offers the best travel health insurance.

Auras Insurance's 4 key benefits:

Global coverage


Age range

Visa support

The insurance is valid in any country in the world.

The insurance is available to people from any country and of any nationality.

The insurance covers persons from 1 to 100 years of age.

The insurance is suitable for embassy and visa applications.

Customer service provided by its own company, ASSISTANCE INSURANCE ONLINE (AIO) - 24/7 customer support:

  1. Organisation of all types of diagnostic, in-patient and out-patient dental services.
  2. Organising and carrying out consultations with medical specialists of any profile.
  3. Calling for emergency assistance.
  4. Organisation and support of rehabilitation measures for an insured event.
  5. Information and counselling support.


Additional bonuses to clients from Assistants:

  • Ordering a taxi for a client
  • Delivering flowers and food to a hospital
  • Making restaurant reservations
  • Reserving hotel rooms
  • Paying for transport to the pharmacy
  • Informing relatives
  • Car hire and breakdown assistance
  • Advice on city guides and public transport tickets.
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