Welcome to Chartershop!

The purpose of our Chartershop project is to provide an opportunity for leading European tour operators and other charter flight consolidators to familiarize their potential customers with the charter tickets available for implementation by posting their offers on this web-site.

Features of the charter flight

A charter flight is an irregular flight ordered by a tour operator to transport tourists to a certain direction. In fact, this is a plane rental from the airline for a certain time, while the crew and equipment are the same as on regular flights. The organization of movement involves ground services that control regular flights too.

A passenger, a buyer of a charter flight ticket, must understand that he is faced with a special type of transportation that is different from regular flights.
The main feature of charter flights is an unstable schedule. Usually, a charter flight is “built into” the schedule of regular flights. As a result, changes in charter flight schedules and delays on the day of departure are possible. For example, in the case of flight delays and overlays at the airport, servicing of charters happens only after regular flights. In addition, the reason for the delay of a certain charter flight is often the delay in the flight scheduled for execution by the same aircraft from the previous point of departure. After all, airlines use their aircraft to perform a series of flights in a row, not only your specific flight.

If the flight is delayed or the schedule is changed, the charter passenger is in less favorable conditions than passengers  from the regular flight. But in most other cases, their rights are equal. For example, when the waiting time for departure exceeds 8 hours, the airline operating the charter flight is also obliged to provide its passengers with a hotel hotel for the entire waiting period and hot meals (detailed conditions must be clarified directly with the airline that operates the flight). Please note: this is the responsibility of the carrier (airline), it is the carrier (airline), and not the travel agency – the organizer of the flight or tour operator charterer of the flight, to which irritated tourists usually address their complaints.

However, before buying tickets, you should carefully read the rules for buying charter tickets described in our offer agreement.
We do not hide and would like to emphasize the following features when buying charter tickets:

- The carrier has the right to cancel, delay the flight specified in the ticket, change the type of aircraft or other vehicle during ground transportation, change the route of transportation, place of departure, flight schedule, if required by the conditions of performance and safety of transport flights and (or) air traffic safety or requirements/statements of state authorities in accordance with their competence, as well as for other operational reasons.

- The day of arrival and departure is considered a transport day, so the flight time is approximate, therefore, it (flight time) can be changed. In the event of changes, the Supplier shall notify the Agent and the Agent shall notify the Customer.

- The carrier has the right to change the departure time (+/- 24 hours).

- The Carrier or Service Provider has the right to change flights and/or operating carrier during optimization of the flight/charter program.

- Tickets for charter flights can't be returned or changed on the part of the passenger.

Buying a charter ticket is often much cheaper than a ticket for regular flight. Also most of charter flights are direct, with no stopovers and connecting flights. Often there are no direct regular flights to popular resorts, or their number is minimal. With the help of the charter you can get directly to places where regular flights do not fly. And all this without waiting for connecting flights, searching for multiple tickets and complex route selection.
When forming tours to mass popular tourist destinations, tickets for charter flights are included in the standard tour package. However, the possibility of buying tickets without travel package is possible, particularly in our company.

In the summer there are flights from different cities to Turkey, Egypt, Greece, Spain, Italy.. In winter the most popular charters are to Egypt, Thailand, India, Slovakia and Austria. Departure may be from cities where there are no scheduled flights. But at the same time, the charter is not included in the general schedule.









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